How often do you allow yourself to get away from the day-to-day ‘doing-ness’ of admin, marketing and serving clients and dedicate the time to work on your business, instead of working in it?
The reality is, many of us launch straight into working in our business - the ‘doing’ aspect of our practice – as opposed to on them, such as developing a vision and strategic plan of how we would like to operate. When we open the doors to our business, we can get so excited to start working with clients right away that, over time, we get busy chasing our tails and forget to come back to the planning stage that can help keep us grounded, clear, and focused.
If we don’t put time aside to work on our business, we can very soon find ourselves simply going through the motions, or feeling disconnected from the very soul purpose and essence of why we created our business in the first place. This is why I recommend dedicating one day a month to work on your business to give it (and you) some much needed care and attention. I like to call this a ‘Soulful CEO Day’.
A Soulful CEO Day is a chance for you to carve out some time every month to get clear on where you’re headed in your business, all the while remaining deeply connected to your heart-centred ‘why’. You’ll know what micro-strategic tweaks you need to make each month to help improve your clients’ experience, increase your profit and attract more soul aligned clients.
Keep reading to find out more about how preparing, starting and unlocking regular Soulful CEO Days to transform the relationship between you and your business.

Preparation for your Soulful CEO Day:
- Choose a set day each month to be your non-negotiable Soulful CEO Day. Book it in your calendar and ensure that no one else can schedule this time in with you. Think of it as date night for you and your biz! It’s special!
- Prepare your mind, body and spirit. Make sure that YOU are feeling good. You’re refreshed and excited for this time to work on your business. Remind yourself why you’re doing this and how it will serve you, your clients and the future of your business.
- Change your environment. Take yourself out to your favourite café or perhaps into nature. Changing your environment can really help open up the mind to new possibilities, perspectives and ideas.
- Surround yourself with your favourite items. Make or order the food and beverages that nourish and excite you; grab your most luxurious journal, resonant crystals, essential oils and/or spirit guides such as tarot or angel cards.
Essentially, your Soulful CEO Day is self-care for you and your biz, so you want to make the experience enjoyable and nourishing for the both of you.
Getting started
If you’re brand new to Soulful CEO Days then I recommend starting with identifying these core items:
- Set your business foundation
- Your vision and mission
- Your business values
- The look and feel of your ideal business days
- Your ideal financials
- Assess what is and isn’t working
- You may like to consider key areas of:
- Marketing
- Sales/booked sessions
- Client management and services (including session times, cost for services, and post-treatment care)
- Finances
- Personal fulfilment
- Self check in
- What do I need to start doing?
- What do I need to stop doing?
- What do I need to keep doing?
- Review and set goals
- Use the information you’ve uncovered during these steps to help set reasonable goals and actionable items for the next month. And then, for your next Soulful CEO Day, you’ll have even more data to base your decisions on, and tweak your goals accordingly.
So, what does a regular Soulful CEO Day look like?
- Starting the day with a grounding practice that connects you back to your passion, heart-centred mission and purpose.
- Review your business vision and plan for both long and short term – this may look like creating new SMART goals, or refining them from your previous months’ progress
- Reviewing your business financials – it may help to set calendar reminders throughout the next month for when outgoing bills, registrations or payments are due, and align these with client bookings and incoming invoice remittances to ensure you are paid on time.
- Follow up with clients to gain feedback on treatment sessions and services. This could be included as part of your standard post-treatment care and you can use your Soulful CEO Day to review the feedback commentary.
- Assessing how you are feeling, such as your energy levels, physical and emotional capacities. What are some key self-care items you might need to include during the month ahead to ensure you can remain consistent in your practice? Is there something you feel you could do to help you improve just 1% each day?
- Reviewing these findings against your monthly goals and tweaking them accordingly so you’re ready for another powerful and focused month.
Taking time away from the day-to-day activities and chasing our tails requires us to trust ourselves and acknowledge that our time is valuable and worth investing in. Slow and steady wins the race, so I encourage you to take it one step at a time, start small and continue to build a little bit each month. Soulful CEO Days can significantly contribute to the ongoing sustainability of you and your business.
Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to conduct your Soulful CEO Day, and you’ll find they will evolve over time. The important thing is simply to be consistent and dedicated to honouring this self-care time for you and your biz.
So, show up to your Soulful CEO date each month - prepare well, get excited, be honest and consistent – and watch the magic happen.
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Article written by: a collaboration between IICT and Claire Bradshaw
Claire Bradshaw is an ex-corporate marketer, turned wellness coach & yoga teacher, turned business coach for holistic professionals.
She supports her soul-led wellness business clients to create & grow their business authentically, intentionally and sustainably using her signature framework - the Holistic Business Builder.
To learn more about how to grow your business, watch the free masterclass here or connect on Instagram @_clairebradshaw_