Understanding Human Design

Written by Kate Duncan | 04/10/2024 6:13:36 AM

What is the Human Design System?

The Human Design System is a revolutionary approach to self-knowledge that blends elements of astrology, Kabbalah, I’Ching, quantum physics and the Chakra System.

A qualified Human Design practitioner will generate a personalised BodyGraph or Chart based on your birthday, time and place of birth. This in-depth Chart provides insights into your energetic blueprint, inner wisdom and life path.

The history of Human Design dates back to January 1987 when Ra Uru Hu (born Robert Allan Krakower), first heard what he called the “Voice”. This voice penetrated him for eight days and nights giving him insightful information about the workings of the universe.

Over the following years, Ra Uru Hu, known as the “messenger of Human Design”, developed and refined this information, integrating aspects of other healing modalities to create a unique framework for understanding human behaviour and energy dynamics. In 1989, Ra Uru Hu authored the Rave I'Ching, which serves as the cornerstone of Human Design and the key to deciphering human’s genetic code. The I'Ching, also known as the Book of Changes, is one of the oldest Chinese classical texts and has been used as an ancient divination tool for more than three thousand years.

Together with his family, Ra Uru Hu lived in the United States, Germany and Spain. He dedicated his life teaching and sharing Human Design before passing away in March, 2011.


A holistic self-knowledge system

Unlike other self-knowledge systems, Human Design is rooted in mechanics and free from dogma, empowering individuals to thrive in environments that support their natural energy. This unique system is about tuning into your inner guidance and innate gifts. It can help you understand your behavioural patterns and habits and assist you in making reliable decisions. The knowledge can also help you to uncover your life purpose and align yourself to it and the world in a much more effective way.


Understanding the history of Human Design Therapy

The history of Human Design traces its origins to a profound synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science. Ra Uru Hu’s groundbreaking insight into how human energy flows laid the foundation for this system. It has since grown into a valuable tool for personal growth and emotional healing. This differs from the history of human-centred design, which focuses on creating user-friendly systems and products. In contrast, Human Design centres on the individual human being, helping you discover your blueprint and how it influences your decisions.


Understanding your energy type

In the Human Design System, there are five energy types:

  • Manifestors: Initiators who are here to make things happen.
  • Generators: Builders who respond to the world around them and generate life force energy.
  • Manifesting Generators: Manifesting Generators have the initiating energy of Manifestors and the responsiveness of Generators. This allows them to start projects and respond to life’s opportunities simultaneously.
  • Projectors: Guides who excel in understanding others and providing insight.
  • Reflectors: Mirrors of the community, reflecting the vitality around them.

These energy types are determined by the filled centres in your BodyGraph or Chart. Knowing your energy type is crucial to understanding how your energy interacts with the world and flows throughout your existence. This insight can help you better utilise your inherent gifts and align your actions with your true nature, fostering more fulfilling relationships, satisfaction and career success.


Authority and decision-making

A key concept in Human Design is understanding your personal “Authority” or how you make decisions based on your BodyGraph or Chart. Each energy type has a unique Authority, such as Emotional, Sacral or Splenic.

  • Emotional Authority requires riding emotional waves before making a decision.
  • Sacral Authority calls for trusting a visceral, gut reaction.
  • Splenic Authority is rooted in instinctive, intuitive responses.

Aligning your decision-making with your Authority ensures that your choices resonate with your unique self and life purpose.


A transformative path to healing

Human Design offers a unique, individualised approach to emotional healing and self-discovery. By exploring your BodyGraph, this therapy helps you gain insight into your natural gifts, limitations and path. Many individuals experience enhanced self-acceptance, improved relationships and a deeper sense of purpose. The teachings also empower you to understand your vulnerabilities and strengths, fostering a more peaceful and authentic connection with yourself, others and the world.


Practical applications

Human Design extends beyond self-reflection and therapy. Its principles can be applied to various areas of life and can help humans align with their unique energy. Understanding your energy type can guide you in building more harmonious relationships, managing your workload and recognising when to take action or rest. By integrating this therapy into daily life, you can make choices that align with your unique gifts, leading to a more productive and fulfilling existence.


Here are some practical applications:

  1. Decision-making
  • Your energetic blueprint provides insight into how you are naturally wired to make decisions (your Authority). By understanding your specific Authority, you can make choices that are aligned with your authentic self, reducing stress and indecision.
  1. Career alignment
  • By understanding your energy type, this modality helps you identify work environments and roles that suit your strengths. It can guide you in choosing a career that energises rather than drains you which will, overall, improve job satisfaction and productivity.
  1. Relationships and communication
  • This unique system of healing helps you understand your communication style and how you interact with others. Recognising the design types of partners, family members, friends or colleagues can improve interpersonal relationships by fostering more effective communication and reducing conflict.
  1. Wellbeing
  • This therapy can reveal your unique health needs and areas where you’re susceptible to stress or burnout. By listening to your body’s cues and understanding your energy centres, you can make lifestyle choices that promote physical and emotional wellbeing.
  1. Parenting
  • Human Design can be applied to parenting by helping parents understand their child’s energy type and how to nurture their natural gifts. It offers insights into how to support a child’s decision-making process and emotional development based on their unique way.
  1. Time and energy management
  • Understanding your energy type can help you optimise how you manage your time and energy. For example, Generators thrive on doing work they love, while Projectors excel when they focus on guiding others. Knowing when to rest and recharge is also crucial for long-term wellbeing.
  1. Self-awareness and personal growth
  • Human Design encourages self-acceptance by illuminating your strengths, challenges and life path. It offers a framework for understanding your natural tendencies, helping you embrace who you are and work on areas where growth is needed. This can lead to empowerment and a deeper understanding of self.
  1. Team dynamics and leadership
  • In professional settings, the teachings can help develop cohesive teams by understanding each member’s strengths and dynamics. Leaders can use it to delegate tasks more effectively, ensuring that everyone is working in alignment with their natural talents.
  1. Creativity and productivity
  • Human Design shows how your energy best flows in creative pursuits, helping you know when to take action and when to pause. This can lead to more productive and satisfying creative work. You might feel called to publish a book, study a new course or develop a new interest – leaning into your blueprint will help you decide.
  1. Life purpose and direction
  • By revealing your unique path, the system of knowledge offers clarity on your purpose and direction. This helps in making aligned life choices and setting goals that reflect your true self, allowing your personality to flow.

These practical applications empower individuals to live in alignment with their authentic selves, leading to greater fulfilment, a deeper sense of peace and a more meaningful life. Now who doesn’t want to feel that?


Core concepts of the holistic self-knowledge system

The Human Design System combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Chakra system and quantum physics to create a unique framework for understanding human behaviour and potential. Here are some of its core concepts:

Profiles: These are combinations of two numbers that provide insight into an individual’s personality traits and themes. There are 12 profiles, each with its own characteristics and challenges.

Channels and Gates: Channels connect the centres and represent specific themes or energies in a person’s life. Gates are the individual energies that can express through the channels.

Not Self Theme: Each type has a specific theme that indicates when they are out of alignment with their true self. Recognising this can help individuals return to their authentic path.

Definition: This refers to how the centres in a chart are connected. It can be single (one group of connected centres), split (two separate groups) or triple split, affecting how an individual interacts with others.

These core concepts work together to create a personalised BodyGraph or Chart and bring to light one’s strengths, challenges and potential pathways for living authentically and from a feel-good place of truth.


What are the rarest blueprint types?

The rarest type is the Reflector, making up about one per cent of the population. Reflectors are unique in that all of their centres are undefined (white) on their chart, meaning they take in and reflect the energy of the people and environments around them. Because of this, they are considered highly sensitive and deeply connected to the health and energy of their communities. Reflectors are designed to serve as mirrors, offering objective insights and wisdom about the world around them.


Find out what IICT Training Provider Amber Clements has to say about Human Design

"I am continually in awe about how life-changing Human Design is for so many people. This knowledge has helped thousands of people not only find more self-acceptance and self-love but also compassion for other people by understanding how we are all wired to operate differently.
I believe this wisdom has come into our consciousness at this time to give us the confidence to navigate our lives for ourselves instead of giving our power away to others. Once someone learns about their unique design through this modality, they become empowered because they have the keys to drive their own vehicle.
Human Design has an instant impact on people because it provides practical advice we can integrate straight away. Plus it's a lot of fun! Who doesn't love learning more about ourselves."

Find out more about Australian College of Human Design here.


Take the next step

Whether you’re seeking deeper emotional healing or a clearer path, Human Design offers valuable tools to help you lead your very best life.

For a detailed exploration of this incredible modality and how it works, visit our IICT-approved Training Provider Australian College of Human Design here.



Article written by: Kate Duncan, IICT

About the Author:



Kate is Head of Content and Marketing at IICT and has been a prominent voice in the wellness industry for over a decade. Kate’s experience as the editor of two Australian health and wellness magazines offers a wealth of insights into the natural health space, which she now shares with IICT. Kate has extensively studied Yoga, Ayurveda and Massage Therapy.

When she’s not working, you’ll find Kate treasuring moments with her son, surfing one of Byron Bay’s beautiful breaks or spending time in nature with her family.