January Book Club

Which books, podcasts and decks are our team loving this month?

Book: Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty

Recommended by: Diane - Content + Marketing Assistant

"I love how practical this book is. His story is relatable and not preachy.

He teaches us that by blending ancient wisdom with practical exercises we can have more inner peace every day.

I read this in 4 days!"



Podcast: The Diary of a CEO by Stephen Bartlett

Recommended by: Clinton - Chief Growth Officer

"Steven’s podcast is like a million truth bombs dropping per episode. I find myself pausing mid episode and making notes.

He has a great voice and asks really smart but also practical questions.

I have downloaded so many episodes but I particularly liked the ‘The Top 7 Money Making Hacks for 2025."



Deck: Condition your Calm by Dr Libby 

Recommended by: Kate - Head of Content + Social Media 

"I love a good deck and I really like how Dr Libby blends practical advice with natural medicine. This was gifted to me and I love it.

These are super simple ways to help ourselves destress in a world where noise and stimulation is coming at us constantly.

The deck is clever as it’s split into 3 sections; emotional, biochemical + nutritional."



Have you read this book, listened to this podcast or played with this deck? Let us know what you think in our socials. Got a great recommendation you think we'd love? Let us know in the comments on Instagram or Facebook. We'd love to keep chatting like all good book clubs! 



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